The life of a modern person is associated with constant overloads to which the spine is exposed. And if the previous diseases of this important organ were found mainly in people of mature and elderly age, today, according to medical statistics, representatives of the younger generation are increasingly experiencing such problems. The leader in this group of diseases iscervical osteochondrosis(SHOCK). This pathology gives a person a lot of inconvenience.
Therefore, it is worth knowing the reasons for its appearance and methods of treatment.
What is cervical osteochondrosis
For a long time, most people try not to notice unpleasant discomfort in the neck area, referring to the usual overexertion and fatigue. But over time, the pain adds to the discomfort when moving the head and other unpleasant symptoms appear. And only when the situation becomes critical, a person seeks medical help and discovers that he has cervical osteochondrosis.
This disease often affects both sexes equally. As already noted, today it is often found in very young people under the age of 30. This phenomenon is largely due to the introduction of information technologies in all spheres of life. People simply stop moving and spend most of their time in a chained state to the monitor. As a result, pathological changes begin to occur in the cervical spine: the vertebrae are displaced, and the cartilage tissues between them, which represent a kind of layer, become thinner. In other words, overgrowth of connective tissue occurs when formations in the form of growths appear on the vertebral body.
The consequence of such pathological changes is a decrease in the effect of shock absorption between the vertebrae, the bone surfaces, in contact with each other, cause friction and squeeze nearby nerves and blood vessels. All these pathological changes lead to a deterioration in the blood supply to the back parts of the brain, which causes a deterioration in general well-being and pain. If the problem is not addressed in a timely manner, the disease will progress and in severe cases it can even lead to disability.
Causes of cervical osteochondrosis
Not so long ago, the main causes of SHOC were always associated with age-related changes in the body. But in the reality of modern life, factors have appeared that increase the risk of developing pathologies at a young age.
Some of these reasons include:
- sedentary lifestyle;
- forced stay in one position (usually sitting);
- overweight;
- Autoimmune diseases;
- drafts;
- stressful situations;
- injuries to the cervical or occipital region;
- congenital anomalies of the spine;
- violation of metabolic processes.
In some cases, the disease develops due to hormonal disorders or unfavorable heredity.
Cervical osteochondrosis symptoms
In contrast to the pathological processes in other parts of the spine, SHOX manifests itself more pronounced. This feature is explained by the fact that in the cervical spine the vertebrae are very close to each other, so the height of the intervertebral discs is small. This anatomical feature contributes more than other parts of the spine to the compression of nerve tissues and blood vessels. Therefore, the main symptoms of the disease are localized in the upper back, cervical region and head.
In this case, patients have the following complaints:
- limitation of neck mobility, especially if you want to turn your head;
- intense pain, which often does not allow a person to perform an elementary action (bending over, turning the head);
- characteristic crunch when moving;
- decreased sensitivity in the hands;
- violation of coordination of movements;
- dizziness;
- general weakness;
- decreased vision and hearing, tactile sensitivity or perception of taste.
Since the cervical spine consists of eight vertebrae, depending on the place of the dystrophic lesion, the disease has its own characteristic signs. Usually in these departments there is a disturbance of sensitivity or a limitation of mobility due to compression of the spinal roots. Thus, cervical osteochondrosis is differentiated from root symptoms, that is, it is taken into account which vertebra is involved in the pathological process.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis can be as follows:
- the first vertebra - sensitivity decreases and numbness of the occipital region and neck is noted;
- the second - pain in the back of the head and parietal region;
- third: pain in the part of the neck where the root is blocked, the perception of language and taste is also impaired;
- fourth - pain radiating to the shoulder, under the scapula, respiratory disorders can be observed;
- fifth - pain in the neck, radiating to the shoulder;
- sixth - pain in the neck extends to the forearm and thumbs on the hand;
- seventh - pain that radiates to the scapular region, back shoulder, forearm and fingers;
- eighth - the pain spreads from the neck to the shoulder and further down the arm to the little fingers.
It should be noted here that the diagnosis pays special attention to the extent of the lesion. Because this criterion determines the degree of cervical osteochondrosis. There are only four of them and they determine the severity of the pathological process.
Diagnosis of the disease
It should be noted that an experienced doctor can easily diagnose osteochondrosis of the cervical spine during the initial examination, focusing only on the characteristic clinical symptoms. But to determine the degree of damage and the prevalence of pathology, the patient is advised to undergo a number of examinations.Basically, these are all hardware research methods. Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis includes:
- X-ray examination of the cervical spine. In the process of diagnostics, the degree of damage, localization, salt deposits and features of the location of the vertebrae are established.
- Computed tomography: allows you to detect possible ruptures, establish the real height of the intervertebral discs, the compression points of the nerve tissues and the spinal cord, if any.
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - provides an accurate visualization of pathological changes. Thanks to this type of examination, it is possible to accurately determine the state of nerve fibers, as well as the intensity of blood flow.
Most often, during the diagnosis, one of the listed types of examination is sufficient. In most cases, doctors use a technique that has been proven for decades, namely X-rays.
Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous?
Any pathology of the spine is fraught with serious problems. After all, the spine is a kind of foundation on which the entire structure of the human body rests. Important bloodlines pass through the cervical region, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the brain. There are a lot of nerve endings here. Thus, a violation of innervation or blood supply to important organs threatens with serious consequences. And this is not an exaggeration of the danger, since osteochondrosis of the cervical spine has serious consequences.

In addition to perceived discomfort, the resulting spinal defect leads to hearing loss, visual impairment. The brain with SCH suffers from a lack of oxygen. Therefore, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is considered the most dangerous form of this disease.
To be convinced of this, it is enough to list only the most common complications of SHOX:
- persistent hypertension;
- chronic migraines;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD);
- breathing problems;
- various perception disorders (taste, touch), which eventually take an irreversible form;
- cardiovascular pathologies, of which strokes are the most dangerous.
In advanced cases of the disease, patients develop vertebral artery syndrome, and prolonged compression of the nerve roots leads to radiculopathy. Changes in the structure of the vertebrae can subsequently lead to a complete loss of mobility in the neck. But the most serious complication of cervical osteochondrosis is death, which leads to compression of the spinal cord.
Given the severity of the situation and the high probability of complications, if alarming symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a hospital. Among these unpleasant signs can be: systematic headaches, dizziness, discomfort in the neck or back of the head. After the diagnostic measures, the doctor will select an appropriate therapy.
Treatment of patients with SHS is usually complex. Therapy necessarily includes massage, remedial gymnastics, physiotherapy procedures. Of course, without the use of drugs, it is impossible to improve the patient's condition.Thus, the complex of drug treatment for osteochondrosis includes:
- analgesics;
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- chondroprotector;
- muscle relaxants are means that relieve muscle tension;
- a complex of vitamins is necessarily prescribed.
All therapy is selected by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Any kind of self-medication for cervical osteochondrosis is unacceptable. All these drugs are aimed at localizing symptoms in the acute phase of the disease. During the period of remission, other techniques are relevant. Usually, the treatment is carried out at home, that is, on an outpatient basis. But in particularly severe cases, the patient is hospitalized.
Traditional treatment methods
Doctors are always willing to supplement the drug complex of treatment with natural preparations prepared on the basis of folk recipes. Various decoctions, infusions help stop inflammation and relieve pain.

Here are some recipes for alternative osteochondrosis treatment:
- Dill seeds (200 g) should be poured with vodka (250 ml) or alcohol diluted in half with water. After two weeks of infusion, it is recommended to take one tablespoon of infusion on an empty stomach three times a day.
- Means for external use are easy to prepare in the following sequence: lilac leaves (fresh) need to be crushed into a fine mass, add 300 ml of radish juice (black) to them, then add 200 g of good honey to the mass. It is necessary to insist on the composition of the whole day in a dark place. Then it can be used to scrub the problem area. It is recommended to use this product after consulting a doctor. The composition is contraindicated for those who are allergic to its components.
- From lilac flowers, you can prepare an infusion for internal use. To do this, take a spoon (spoon) of fragrant inflorescences, pour a glass of boiling water, filter in an hour and take 1 liter three times. Art.
Important! When taking all herbal preparations, it is necessary to strictly observe the prescribed dosage.
Gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis at home
It makes sense to talk about the complex of corrective gymnastics with SHH only after stopping the acute period. With an exacerbation of the disease, such activities can only aggravate the situation.
All physiotherapy exercises are aimed at maintaining normal mobility of the cervical spine. Classes are held in a calm rhythm, there should be no sudden movements. If there are signs of fatigue or painful sensations, classes stop immediately. The complex includes the following exercises that you can regularly do at home:
- When standing, you need to tilt your head as you inhale so that your chin touches your chest. As you exhale, the head is gently pulled back. The same exercise can be done freely while sitting on a chair.
- In any starting position, it is convenient to perform rotational movements of the head. It is better to periodically change the direction of movement so that the head does not turn. It is recommended to perform the exercise at a slow pace.
- Regular performance of this exercise will help to perfectly strengthen the cervical muscles: you need to put your hands in a "lock" and press your forehead as much as possible against them. For a lasting effect, repeat this exercise three times for 30 seconds. You can alternately press with your palms on your forehead, then apply pressure with your forehead on your palms.

There are many other effective methods, but any option can only be used after the doctor's approval.
To prevent a history of the diagnosis "cervical osteochondrosis», You need to lead an active life, do regular exercises in the morning, paying attention to the neck and properly equip your workplace.